~Watercolor Workshop Part-1~

Hello everyone!

Yes I know two blogs in a month, surprising isn't it? Well I just want to show that I have been making pieces even though I have not been uploading. 

During my summer break I joined an art workshop to practice my watercoloring skills because I knew I was too lazy to do something by myself. The workshop consisted of two classes per week, for a month, over the course of which I completed 6 pieces. I will be showcasing them down below:

1. Tulips in a vase

I really like tulips so I was happy to see that this was the first piece that the teacher showed us how to do. I felt a little out of place in the class because there were only children who were younger than me there. I realised that there is no age limit  to learning something for the first time so, do not hesitate and just do it!

For the painting I first drew the reference picture. After that I used a light yellow to colour around the window. Using tube paint is a bit different from using cakes so it took me a little time to get used to how much colour to take. Next I used sea-green and blue to paint the window. I struggled a bit with the colour to water ratio which is why some of the colours didn't come out as strong as I wanted them to. After that I used red and little amounts of yellow to make a different shade for the tulips. Then I used green to paint the stalks. Finally, I used a thin brush with black paint and did the outlines. 

2. Group of buildings

In the second class we made some simple buildings. When I saw the reference I thought it was going to be super simple to do, but it still took me a long time to make it. 

First, we drew random shapes for the building. After that we chose a colour for each of the buildings and filled it in. This time my water to colour ratio was better than last time. After completing the colouring we took some excess paint and spread it out at the bottom of the page. For a good effect it is recommended to not wait for the colour to dry as it mixes better. After everything dried, I went over the buildings with my outliner pen and completed the piece.

3. A winter scene

In the third class we made a scenery. This was my second ever scenery with watercolours. During these classes I got to push out of my comfort zone and make A4 size pieces. It took about 1hr 30 mins or longer to complete a piece but it was worth it. 

To start, I drew the divider line for the sky and the ground and then added the hills. For this painting I used my own watercolour cakes because I wanted the outcome to be good. I used blue and purple for the sky, using water to blend the colours in nicely. After that I painted the hills closer to the ground with purple. While doing this part I made a thick line along the drawing of the hill and spread out the colour to create a gradient. I moved on to the ground where I used the same technique as the sky. After everything dried, I added the trees with first pencil then with paint. The colour is a mix of black and dark green. with black I added little shadows under the tree and finished the painting. 


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