~Watercolor Bookmarks~

Hi everyone!

Since it's a New Year, I made a resolution to start a new hobby. I was always interested in art but never really tried to push myself to make something proper. This blog is to record my progress through the year. Maybe it might motivate me to create more pieces too, who knows. 

I am starting this blog with a series of watercolor bookmarks, nothing too fancy. They are simple and experimental. You can see me trying to figure out different techniques of watercolor. 

~Bee Happy~

This first one is a cute bee bookmark. I was randomly looking for something to paint when I came across this adorable bee illustration. I wanted to experiment with bookmarks first and hence we have this little thing. I'm happy with how it turned out, considering it was my very first watercolor bookmark. I used liner pens to write the little quote on the top and to outline the bees. 


I really like floral prints which is why my next attempt was this clean and pretty bookmark. In this one I tried to experiment with dark on light to add more depth to the flowers and leaves. I am quite proud of this one. 

~Just Keep Reading~

I actually made this when I was feeling a bit frustrated. I just picked up a flat brush and went ham with it. After calming down I added a few details like the white lines with my white gel pen. It looks nothing like the reference picture but it's still pretty. 


I felt quite unmotivated so I made this interesting background and just drew on it with a liner. For the white center I cut out a small circle and stuck it to the paper with water. After that I just painted over it. I removed the circle and got that empty area over which I drew. My mom was really happy with my handwriting on this one.

~You're a sunflower~

This one was kind of annoying to do as I was having a hard time painting the center of the sunflower. The brown kept becoming dull so in the end I just went over the circle with a dry brush and paint. The highlights are made with a white gel pen. The final product is really pretty. 

~High Tides
                      Good Vibes~

This one is the last bookmark for this post. In this I learned how to create different effects with watercolor, like the clouds around the lighthouse. I learned how to create those white highlights without the gel pen. In my opinion this is the best one of the series. 

~Watercolor Bookmarks~


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