
Showing posts from October, 2022

~Watercolor Workshop Part-1~

Hello everyone! Yes I know two blogs in a month, surprising isn't it? Well I just want to show that I have been making pieces even though I have not been uploading.  During my summer break I joined an art workshop to practice my watercoloring skills because I knew I was too lazy to do something by myself. The workshop consisted of two classes per week, for a month, over the course of which I completed 6 pieces. I will be showcasing them down below: 1. Tulips in a vase I really like tulips so I was happy to see that this was the first piece that the teacher showed us how to do. I felt a little out of place in the class because there were only children who were younger than me there. I realised that there is no age limit  to learning something for the first time so, do not hesitate and just do it! For the painting I first drew the reference picture. After that I used a light yellow to colour around the window. Using tube paint is a bit different from using cakes so it took me a ...

~Window Paintings~

Hi everyone! It is I, a stressed 12th grader, back with more art pieces. I have been doing paintings and such behind the scenes but haven't been able to share here. Without dilly-dallying let me present to you my latest works: 1. Girl Looking out the window One night I was overcome with the urge to paint something. So, I grabbed my paper, brushes and paint and got to work. I decided to just work straight on paper which is why the scene isn't aligned at the center but just somewhere on the page. I started the painting with the placement of the girl and the plant. Then, I painted a light wash of gray around them, in an irregular rectangle shape. Over the light gray paint I added the initial coat of the mountains with blue and painted the sea with a darker blue. While the mountain coat was still wet I added bits of green to give a blue-green effect to the painting. After everything Dried I took a 0.3 mm outlining pen and added the details to the drawing. The light bulbs were a las...